
I'm tracking down photos, videos, mix tapes and memories of that time and posting them on this blog. It was a fantastic period in my life that I shared with so many. Having not even thought about it for 12 years the sudden rush to pay my respects and share is overwhelming. Please feel free to contribute and enjoy.


Thursday, November 12, 2015

Derrick Carter at Tribal Funktion - October 1998

So, as promised, here is Derrick Carter's set at Tribal Funktion from October 1998. Recently recovered and rediscovered. Listen to Part 1 and Part 2. Some real vintage moments here. Track titles are sparse but then again so is our memory. Please feel free to add a title if you know it, although more often than not there's at least two records spinning at any one time. Stick that sync button up yer arse, so to speak (I doubt they even existed then). Sonic time travel at it's best from one of house music's legends. Chicago and Edinburgh never felt so good together. Care, share and enjoy!